
Should You Draw Your Own Company Logo?

Did you ever look at a company logo and think you would have done a better job designing it? How talented would you say you are when it comes to drawing? Do you manage your own locksmithing company or you're involved in any other type of trade under the sun? Then...

Features Of Game Characters In Slot Games

At certain point, each skilled designers may like to upgrade their education or competence and begin to draw different types of subjects. Normally, designers spend much time and efforts in learning how to draw human beings, faces and facial expressions are what...

New How-To-Draw Pamphlet Series!

This super-fun, affordable, 8-pamphlet series is now available at Michael's Arts & Crafts stores and many other booksellers. It's just what every artists needs. It covers all fun topics from manga, to dogs & cats, figure drawing, enchanted storybook...

The Best Gambling Books You Could Read Right Now

The world of gambling is needless to say awash with so many excellent authors that are eager to provide their advice and strategies to all readers thirsty for more knowledge. If you have never laid your hands on a book that teaches gamblers how to improve their game...

Reasons To Learn To Draw Online Game Characters

The world of art is changing or, better, it’s growing in genres and new styles of drawing pictures. Each epoch has had its own artists and artistic movements and lines of thoughts, so nothing too weird if our epoch has its own styles, as well. An interesting...

Drawing Manga Like A Pro – Tips To Get Started

Many people in the world think that drawing skills are just a talent you have by nature. Probably, natural-born designers will agree with this statement, but as a matter of fact anyone can learn to draw better and to refine their personal drawing skills. Designers who...

Back from New York Comic Con

Logo-1My report: Practically everyone came in costume. I’ve never seen so many flabby Spidermen before. Parents brought their little kids, and it was the parents who wore the costumes! I wore a Polo shirt and slacks, and therefore, I stuck out like a sore thumb. The main floor had fewer interesting booths from publishers and media companies than previous Comic Cons, but… [READ MORE]

Creating New Characters from Existing Ones

Logo-1There are two ways of creating a new character from one you are copying from a how-to-draw book. A combination of the two methods works really well. Unfortunately, most people only use method #1, and therefore, they don’t really achieve a unique character. I’ll explain both methods: Method #1: Adding, Subtracting & Altering. [READ MORE]

Inertia and How To Beat It

Logo-1Inertia. Sir Isaac Newton first defined it in the 1700s. Most of us think of it as the phenomenon that an object at rest tends to stay at rest. For artists, that means it’s often difficult to start a new project – especially a big project. But few people remember the other half of the definition: a moving object will remain in motion unless affected by another object or force. Ah ha! [READ MORE]